Researchers have found that people who use mushrooms have higher convergent thinking abilities. They have more ideas on how to solve problems. They are also more flexible, fluent, and original with the ideas they come up with. Micro-dosing with psychedelic substances, therefore, improves both the convergent and divergent thinking of the users. Using small doses of mushrooms that contain psychedelic substances has been indicated to produce a state of unconstrained patterns of thought that may generate more new and creative ideas.


Consuming a small fraction of the required regular doses of psychedelic substances, such as truffles, has multiple beneficial effects, such as creativity and problem-solving ability. The receptors in the brain necessary for promoting cognitive flexibility are boosted to elevate creative thinking, which shows why Micro-dosing mushrooms help creativity.

Can Micro-dosing Influence Creativity

There have been many studies on the effects of psychedelics on creativity. The conclusion researchers came up with is that psychedelics help with both divergent imagination and convergent creativity. 

Researchers found a significantly higher result in convergent and divergent thinking tests after ingesting micro-dosing mushrooms.

During a psychedelic experience, divergent creativity is enhanced slightly on one end. Those consuming mushrooms are considered to be more creative in identifying picture tests. 

During a retreat from the mushroom, convergent creativity is impaired during the psychedelic experience. The consumers of mushrooms cannot identify a set of connections between pictures. On the other hand, their convergent creativity is higher after a few days.

Many people report being more creative during the micro-dosing level. Minute doses of mushrooms can boost brain function and expand creativity without damaging reasoning capabilities.

Historical reports claim that psychedelics can influence many aspects of creative and logical thinking and give rise to novel thoughts. 

Psychedelics are currently being considered to treat several mental health disorders caused by inflexible thought patterns. This is made possible since, under the influence of a psychedelic, fixed thoughts could be lowered, while unguided, involuntary thoughts may give rise to new insights and how to solve problems.


Psychedelics could be an essential tool for investigating underlying mechanisms of the creative process. It allows the users to explore creative challenges and insights and boosts their motivation to explore new creative directions to their fullest potential. Apart from its benefits as a probable mental enhancement approach, Sero Shroom Chocolate Bar Canada could be further researched for their healing usefulness in helping individuals who suffer from depression.