In the recent times, people have been able to have the luxury of obtaining their drugs from a legal clinic, dispensary or store so close to their residence. If you have had this privilege you may have realised that large sampling of foodstuffs and snacks that are now flooding the stores. These pre-processed and pre-packaged weed infused goodies are now more accessible to patients that before though they come with unhealthy ingredients so high in sugar, corn syrup and high fructose. For such a reason many weed patients have now preferred self-made cannabis snacks and meals for good reason.   


Cannabis being a sensitive medication requires proper know-how of how to handle the drug and the science of decarboxylation comes in handy in preparation of this tinctures, edibles and topical treatments.  

In obtaining the complete medicinal value of cannabis it needs heating that is quite higher than the normal body temperature therefore it is not possible to obtain that heating degree in the human digestive tract.  

Decarboxylation process however leads to the loss of the typical aromatics and volatile terpenes that usually give the product is typical flavour and aroma that so many people like. In curbing this downside of the decarboxylation process, an equal amount of the same raw material can be added to improve the flavour and aroma of the final product but this has to be through the correct procedure.  


  • Firstly, pre-heating of the oven to 110 degrees Celsius is required. 
  • Line as rimmed baking sheet/ oven safe dish with a parchment paper. 
  • Squash the cannabis buds into smaller pieces using hands before placing them close together in the dish or baking sheet but making sure they are not piled on each other for even better results.  
  • After the oven is pre-heated, to remove the moisture bake for about 20 minutes in consideration of the moisture content of the product. You can verify this by observing their freshness of the product. Observe your product to turn to a darker shade and when it is time to remove from the oven make sure it looks crumbly and a medium brown color 
  • Allow your content to cool off until it has ease of handling before you again turn the oven to 115 degrees Celsius and give it time to pre-heat again.  
  • Lightly disintegrate your content when cooled enough before evenly distributing it over the dish again for a second baking.  
  • Before the second heating, cover the dish with an aluminum foil making sure it tightly seals the dish by crimping the edges. Now back to the baking again for about 45-60 minutes or 60-90 minutes depending on the required content that is higher THC or CBD respectively.  
  • After that you now allow your contents to cool down before you can remove the foil and then select a suitable means to ground the contents i.e. a blender or food processor can do but taking care the contents are coarsely ground as you do not need super fine powder. 
  • Store in an airtight container in a cool and dry place.   

After this procedure, your cannabis is safe and comfortable to use in any foodstuffs, tinctures or snacks.  

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